Day 3 - June 4, 2016

On Day 3 we spent the entire day in Kelowna playing two courses. The first was Black Mountain located in Rutland off of Highway 33. Further south is the Big White Ski area.

I saw a good number of birds here, especially Ruddy Ducks. But I had little time for photos and most of the ones I took were poor. The two photos that did turn out are shown below.

This first was a downy American Coot chick, a parent was nearby but out of this picture. More of these on Day 4.

American Coot Chick - Black Mountain Golf Course, Kelowna BC

The other was this butterfly that landed at my feet as I was about to take a shot. I had my IPhone and quickly snapped this photo. My best guess is some form of Skipper, possibly a Western Branded.

Skipper Butterfly (sp)  - Black Mountain Golf Course, Kelowna BC

In the afternoon we played Tower Ranch Golf Course. This is perched high above Kelowna with good views of the city and Okanagan Lake. There was a good variety of bird life there, starting with this Red-tailed Hawk.

Red-tailed Hawk - Tower Ranch Golf Course, Kelowna BC

This golf course is more isolated than some of the others and is situated on grassland, a nice location for a Meadowlark.

Western Meadowlark - Tower Ranch Golf Course, Kelowna BC

While driving in between the nines I saw a tree full of small birds, a mix of male and female House Finches.

House Finch - Tower Ranch Golf Course, Kelowna BC

During the first days of the trip I had seen many large yellow butterflies, which I was quite sure were some form of Swallowtail. One finally landed near the 10th hole cart path and sat for a minute. I had my camera nearby and got this shot. I later identified it as a Western Tiger Swallowtail. I'd get much better photos one day later.

Western Tiger Swallowtail - Tower Ranch Golf Course, Kelowna BC

Later in the round I saw and heard an American Robin singing in a tree.

American Robin - Tower Ranch Golf Course, Kelowna BC

The last bird of the day was a California Quail high up in a tree. It seemed unusual to see it up there, but they are able to fly when they want to.

California Quail - Tower Ranch Golf Course, Kelowna BC

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